What can drama, and indeed creativity, do for your child? When drama is focused on child development, rather than being a place of competition drama becomes a safe space where your child can let loose, laugh, and develop their confidence.
Will My Child Have Fun?
Yes, drama can be tremendous fun! What more could a parent want than seeing their children laughing and playing, lost in a world of joy that children are so good at doing? When drama and creative expression are focused on having fun, the whole purpose of drama shifts. Children become comfortable to express themselves, laugh when they make a mistake and celebrate their uniqueness. Drama has the potential for endless amounts of fun and laughter.
How Does Drama Boost Confidence?
It’s easy to forget that childhood is sometimes a very overwhelming time and that so much is happening in their lives everyday. The world can be a confusing place at times. New situations and challenges arise on a daily basis and learning how to approach these with a sense of confidence is amazingly enriching for children to experience. Drama enacts in all kinds of ways what occurs in the everyday. Children can experiment in a safe space how it feels to act or respond in different ways to different situations, this in turn creates a strong foundation for self esteem to develop.
Drama Teaches Effective Communication Skills?
We interact with each other everyday, and children are learning about these interactions day by day. Whether it’s laughing or playing or even being frustrated with each other, communicating well is one of the most important skills we have as humans. It’s the basis for everything we do. Having the skills to communicate confidently are skills that children will take with them throughout their whole lives. Drama teaches how to communicate not just verbally, but with facial expressions, body movements and all the thousands of intricacies that are happening all the time when we communicate with each other.
Leaning Skills For Healthy Relationships
Relationships are our primary source of joy and happiness. Learning empathy and respect for one another is crucial for healthy relationships and understanding these give us a sense of connection with one another. Nowhere is this trickier than when there is a sense of difference. Drama and creativity hold powerful potential for children to understand that we are all different and give experiences to approach this difference with a mindset of inclusivity, rather than unhealthy competition. Learning to relate to people of all kinds of backgrounds, culture, and skill can be a profound growth experience.
Our O’Grady program focuses on the social and emotional development needs of your child rather than on the pressure of performance. Our classes are designed to become an environment to express oneself, do difficult things, experience a sense of liberation and have a whole lot of fun doing it!
The NSW Government is helping kids get creative with the new Creative Kids program. O’Grady Drama is a registered Creative Kids provider, to apply for your Creative Kids Voucher, please visit: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-creative-kids-voucher
To find a local drama class near you please visit: https://ogradydrama.com.au/find-a-class/