Glen Huntly - O'Grady Drama Australia

Studio session details

Day Time Age range
Saturday 12 – 1.00pm Lower Primary
Saturday 1.00pm – 2.00pm Upper Primary
Glen Huntly
St Anthony's Parish House - The Glen Hall
74 Grange Road
Glenhuntly VIC 3163

Principal – Peter Ufnalski

I started my O’Grady journey as a student and participated in the youth theatre program as a teenager. After having graduated as a secondary teacher through Deakin University, specialising in drama and psychology, and working for several years as a teacher, I have now come full-circle as the principal of O’Grady Drama Melbourne Inner South. I now have the opportunity to impart the skills and experiences I had through the program including the development of confidence, public speaking, teamwork and creativity. Drama helped me in my life, and I wish to use that experience to help the lives of others.


Glen Huntly
St Anthony's Parish House - The Glen Hall
74 Grange Road
Glenhuntly VIC 3163
Phone: 0448877371