Enrol at O'Grady Drama - O'Grady Drama Australia

Enrolment Request

New enrolments are subject to availability

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    CONSENT: I (PARENT/GUARDIAN) allow the Studio Teacher to seek medical assistance for my child in the case of a medical emergency, the cost of which assistance will be borne by the parent/guardian.

    I consentI do not consent

    CONSENT: I consent to images of my child being used for training, publicity or any other lawful business purpose by the O’Grady Drama. I understand images taken by O'Grady Drama may be used in advertising material or on O’Grady Drama's social media / website.

    I consentI do not consent

    Please sign below using the cursor or finger on mobile devices


    Our developmental Drama programme is based on a two Semester year. We deliver physical and/or internet based lessons, depending on the State Health Regulations in force at the time. Enrolment is by Semester, with term by term payment. Students may join during the year.

    Fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. Limited payment plans are available by prior arrangement. Sibling discounts are available. There are no refunds for classes missed, however, replacement classes at another venue or at another time may be arranged. Deposits paid are non-refundable.

    Extracts from risk policy & studio conduct

    O’Grady Drama is committed to providing an environment whether physical or virtual that is safe for the participation of
    drama activities. It will not tolerate any acts which result in harm or injury to any student.
    Students are expected to show respect generally and to other students, to act in a manner which will keep
    themselves safe and to accurately report inappropriate behaviour. Failure to act as required will lead to withdrawal of the enrolment.

    Food: No food is to be brought for consumption during the activity.
    Clothing: Movement is a component of our programme. Suitable clothing and footwear is required. Personal jewellery or ornaments should not be worn. Principals and teachers will check and request removal.
    Water: A personal water bottle may be brought by each student. The teacher will determine times when water may be taken. This will be principally after periods of sustained vocal activity.
    Image capture: It is O'Grady Drama policy that parents give consent to image capture. Virtual sessions may include image capture for circulation to families. There will be no recording of or in sessions unless specific permission is obtained. It is convention that parents/ carers may take images of their students at presentations and productions for private view.
    Contacts: Emergency contact numbers must be accessible during the activity time. Any change must be notified in writing prior to next attendance.
    Medical Conditions: Information is to be provided on conditions which may impair a student’s capacity to engage safely in drama activity. Any change in condition must be reported to the Principal, to ensure appropriate action.
    Arrival Time & Procedure: Not more than 10 minutes nor less than 5 minutes prior to the activity. Students are to be delivered to the studio entrance.
    Departure Procedure: Parents/ Carers are to collect students from the studio entrance unless prior arrangements have been made. Students will not be released from the premises until collected.
    Parent Attendance: Parents are strongly discouraged from attending the activity within the studio, as experience has shown this inhibits the participation of the student.
    Non-participant student attendance/waiting: By arrangement siblings or students for later activity may wait in Studios for their activity time subject to the direction of the teacher or Principal.
    Registration: Our policy requires registration of each student prior to the activity commencing. Parents are expected to advise of non-attendance in advance of the activity.
    On-site Equipment: A studio may have chairs or equipment stacked. Such areas are not to be accessed by students. Curtaining or stage platforms may exist at the studio. Students are not to access these unless authorised and allowed by teachers or Principals.
    Supervision: The teacher or Principal may be assisted.
    Studio issues: Each Studio has different access points, aspect, ‘door’ conduct and facilities as identified in individual Information Sheets. Parents are responsible to ensure the safe conduct of students to the studio and to ensure where possible students have no need to visit the toilet during class.

    I understand and accept the Terms of Enrolment.